5124 Abbott Ave So
Minneapolis, MN 55410
ph: 6127490321
The amount you pay is dependent on the program that works best for you. This will be determined during your no cost assessment. Most clients will train for two to three days per week for one hour. I encourage you to train for minimum of 12 weeks (the length of time required to see noticable results).
Base Rate
First session is free (includes testing and precription.
Personal traing: $50 per hour.
Couples training: $60 per hour.
Punch Cards
5 Session Punch Card: $225
10 Session Punch Card: $500
Ask About Discounted Plans!
There are introductory pricing arrangements and friends and family discounts to help you get started.
5 or 10 Personal Trainer Sessions (45% Friends & Family Discount)
5 Sessions $99 / Regular $225/ Save $126
10 Sessions $199 / Regular $500/ Save $301
Copyright 2016 O2O Fitness. All rights reserved.
5124 Abbott Ave So
Minneapolis, MN 55410
ph: 6127490321